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What is Vue Form Generator?

Vue Form Generator (vue3-form-generator) is a schema-based form generator component, based on the original vue-form-generator. This package is built for Vue 3 and aims to have as little dependencies as possible.

All components are (mostly) un-styled out of the box. However, styled components are a planned feature.


Use one of the following commands to install the package:

npm install @kevinkosterr/vue3-form-generator
yarn add @kevinkosterr/vue3-form-generator

Now, to start using the components you'll need to install the plugin inside your main file.

import { createApp } from 'vue'
import App from './App.vue'

import VueFormGenerator from '@kevinkosterr/vue3-form-generator'

const app = createApp(App).use(VueFormGenerator)

Basic example

	<vue-form-generator :schema="form.schema" :model="form.model"/>

<script setup>
import { ref } from 'vue'

const form = ref({
	model: {
		readTutorial: false
	schema: {
		fields: [
				name: 'tutorialRead',
				label: 'Have you read the tutorial?',
				model: 'readTutorial', // string reference to key in model
				type: 'input',
				inputType: 'checkbox'
	<vue-form-generator :schema="form.schema" :model="form.model"/>

  export default {
    data () {
      return {
        form: {
          model: {
            readTutorial: false
          schema: {
            fields: [
                name: 'tutorialRead',
                label: 'Have you read the tutorial?',
                model: 'readTutorial', // string reference to key in model
                type: 'input',
                inputType: 'checkbox'


readTutorial: false