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All fields have unique and shared properties. Properties unique to each field will be shown on each of the components' pages respectively.

Shared properties

These are all properties that are shared between most of the field schema objects. There are however, some exceptions to this rule like FieldButton.

name-stringName of the field
model-stringKey of model in the form schema model
label-stringLabel for the field
type-stringType of field, generally input if the field is an input.
inputType-stringType of input, only required when type === 'input'
idcomputedstringid of the field
visibletrueBoolean | FunctionWhether the field is visible, method will be passed the model, field and field component*
requiredfalseBoolean | FunctionWhether the field is required, method will be passed the model, field and field component*
readonlyfalseBoolean | FunctionWhether the field is read only, method will be passed the model, field and field component*
disabledfalseBoolean | FunctionWhether the field is disabled, method will be passed the model, field and field component*
hint-string | FunctionHint to display underneath the field, can be passed a method*
validatorcomputedArray<Function> | Function | undefinedA (list of) validator(s) to be validating the field against.
onValidated-Function | undefinedMethod to be called after validation has been completed.

* see determineDynamicAttribute() for more information.