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The base of every field component is the abstractField mixin. Thus, in order to create a custom component, you'll need to make use of the Options API.

Creating your component

To start creating your own field component, create a new Vue file and import the abstractField mixin like so:

  import { abstractField } from "@kevinkosterr/vue3-form-generator";
  export default {
    mixins: [ abstractField ]

Every field must make use of one of the following methods to pass its new value to the form generator:

  • Handle one of the built-in input events and pass onFieldValueChanged as the event handler.
  • Manually emit an onInput event with the new value as its argument.
    <input type="checkbox" @change="onFieldValueChanged" >

  import { abstractField } from "@kevinkosterr/vue3-form-generator";

  export default {
    mixins: [ abstractField ],
    methods: {
      /** Will be called by onFieldValueChanged() to 
       * determine the definitive value to pass, returns `target.value` 
       * by default */
      formatFieldValue (target) { // Event target is passed here.
        return target.checked
  <div v-for="card in cards" class="card" @click.prevent="selectCard(">
    {{ card.body }}

  import { abstractField } from "@kevinkosterr/vue3-form-generator";

  export default {
    mixins: [ abstractField ],
    data () {
      return {
        cards: [
          { name: 'foo', body: 'Wow, that is awesome!' },
          { name: 'bar', body: 'This is cooler!'  }
    methods: {
      selectCard (name) {
        this.$emit('onInput', name) // Card with 'name' was chosen